William “Bill” Cruff
“I didn’t like school. First grader…I went out and hid in the clover and the whole community spent all day trying to find me.”
We can’t feature all 617 stories, but we can let you read a few. These tales span the breadth of North Dakota—different generations, cultural heritages, careers, life experiences, and outlooks. Enjoy!
“I didn’t like school. First grader…I went out and hid in the clover and the whole community spent all day trying to find me.”
Lydia was so in love with Egidi she just wanted to be with him, even picking rock in the fields.
Conrad is the recipient of a Purple Heart and is a Knight of the French Legion of Honor.
“My oldest brother, Muryl, was killed in World War II. That influence was more than I ever dreamt.”
Their son, Raphael John, died while serving in Vietnam.
Surviving internment in a Korean prison camp, Andrew is respected in his reservation community.
You’re just a few clicks away from being able to read all 617 stories in Dakota Attitude.
From the sailor who was on the USS Hornet for the splashdown of one of the Apollo capsules to the mother who had 21 children in 21 years, these tidbits of North Dakota life will leave you smiling. You’ll meet the man who discovered his future wife after she pulled a rabbit out of a hat and, at 89, the oldest working nurse in the nation.
Told in their own words, these 617 stores from people in every town on North Dakota’s map will bring you hours of enjoyment, wonder, recognition, and a few tears.